Connection with Water as an Entity in the Built Environment

We know that everything is connected by water. Where there is water, there is life. Every living being is born in water and remains a water body. Water gives life and water sustains life. When life ends, water leaves the body.
In every religion or belief, contact water has multiple spiritual functions and meanings. The meaning of giving life, (re)birth, strength, cleansing, sharing knowledge, redemption, refreshment, healing, transference, flowing, giving energy and so on.
This installation explores and communicates on multiple levels how we can restore and redefine our mutual relationship with the most important element of life: WATER.
What does it mean and what would it be like for us and our built environment to have an everyday worldly connection to water as a whole. Follow in accordance with the stated intention that water brings Science and Magic together.
Listen here to the four stories about water:

Drawing of the 'Wunderkammer' or 'Curiosities cabinet'. Modular set op of the Triskelion shape with natural materials. This 'Wunderkammer' is a collection of arts, science and curiosities around the theme of 'Water as an entity in the built environment' and bringing 'Magic and Science' together . The installation is modular and can travel. The content and the collection will grow.
The execution was in partnership with Nadja van Driel - Kokenut.
The sound recording was in collaboration with Axel Coumans.

Illustration of how 'WE' are part of the water cycle.
We are born in water. When the earth was born it contained +/- 70% water. All organisms and cells are +/- 70% water. We are +/- 70% water. And this water is in us only temporarily. We absorb water by drinking it. And water leaves our body by breath, sweat or pee. The water in us was a river three weeks ago and is a cloud two weeks from now. We are all connected with everything by water.
Research shows that when trees sweat they create clouds. Just like trees we are water pumps. And therefore part of the water cycle.

It is difficult to physically connect with water in our built environment. This is because it is not always safe. Water is directed away as fast as possible. We only have brief encounters with the water in our houses. In just a few seconds it runs from the tap straight into the sink.
To be able to have a connection with water, see water as a relative or fall in love with water again. Physical contact is very important.

To help everyone to find a personal connection with water again we made suggestion for 11 easy tips for every day water rituals in your home.
11 Practical tips for water rituals:
1 Put the words with intention, such as peace or love, on your water bottle, mug, jug or glass;
2 Cook with love and peace, you can taste the difference;
3 Wash your hands consciously. Take your time.
4 Imagine that the day washes away when you shower and that you are nourished with new energy;
5 Take a bath and make contact with the water, give the water an intention;
6 Drink vitalized water. See for example the DYI bottles vortex;
7 Drink enough and give it intention;
8 If you have nothing to do with intention and energy, it also helps to do these things consciously;
9 Walk through the rain and feel the drops on your skin and/or stomp through the puddles;
10 Sit at the water's edge, look at the water and be quiet for 10 minutes;
11 Visualize all the water in your body, you are 70% water, and give the water intention.
Where the attention goes, the energy flows

Altar for the Dutch Indigenous Watergoddess NEHALENNIA.

Watergoddesses and an idea for a home made water altar 'Water is Love'.